Order Your Fall Mums !


Chloe Dyer and Julia Maine are selling Mums again this August as part of the annual fundraiser for the Greely High School Girls Field Hockey Team.  These Mums are beautiful healthy plants from EstabrookÕs in Yarmouth.  The cost is still $7.50 per 12-inch pot - $43 for 6 pots.  This is $0.50 less than EstabrookÕs retail price!  Best of all the flowers will be delivered right to your door the last weekend in August – in time for Labor Day.   The mums come in 5 colors: White, Yellow, Lavender, Bronze, and Maroon – Please let us know your color preferences when ordering.  All orders need to be in by Tuesday, August 24th.  Pre-payment is greatly appreciated – make checks payable to Greely Field Hockey Boosters.  To order please call or email:  Julia Maine (846-4769) , Chloe Dyer (846-6522) or email: julia_maine@yahoo.com.